Kacie Ring

2024 Grad Slam Showcase Champion

Kacie Ring

Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology

Healthy Forests, Healthy Humans

2024 Grad Slam Showcase Finalists

Austin DuBose

Austin DuBose


Pathways to neurodegenerative diseases: Unfolding the mini-mechanism
Nakoa Farrant

Nākoa Farrant

Environmental Science & Management

The Lāhainā Fire: A Disaster 100 Years in the Making
Royce Olarte

Royce Olarte


Becoming A Math Professor: Graduate Students' Professional Identity Development
Kacie Ring

Kacie Ring

Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology

Healthy Forests, Healthy Humans
Abdullah Salehuddin

Abdullah Salehuddin


When Hurt Continues: The Relationship between Family History and Communal Coping
Tiffany Ta

Tiffany Ta


Pretty Savage: Blackpink is the (Feminist) Revolution
Daniella Walter

Daniella Walter

Mechanical Engineering

The Missing Puzzle Piece: The Role of Mechanics in Tissue Development

2024 Grad Slam Showcase Preliminary Rounds Runners-Up

Cooper Bedin


Perception and Queer Speech: Beyond the "Gay Accent"

Zachary Maches

Mechanical Engineering

Settling Down: Building New Models of Marine Aggregate Dynamics

Ana Delia Parejo Vidal


Shining light on our origins

Gwen Petro


Hands Off Our Data: Thinking About Online Privacy Post-Dobbs

Fabio Ricci


Earth is (Locally) Flat

Abhayjit Saini

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology

Slowing Down the Aging Clock From Within

hui zhang


Factors that Impact Immigrant Parents' Services Choices for Their Children with Autism

2024 Grad Slam Showcase Presenters

Evan Andersson

The Amulet: An Ancient Medical Technology

Claudia Ankrah

Sometimes the Dead Go Unburied

Joshua Baldelomar

Film & Media Studies

Brainwaves Turned Signals: Cybernetic Brains and Robotic Tortoises

Nadezhda Barbashova

Psychological & Brain Sciences

Fear Factor: The Science of Anticipatory Anxiety

Joaquin Becerra


Hispanic Serving Institution: Servingness & Campus Climate

Cooper Bedin


Perception and Queer Speech: Beyond the "Gay Accent"

Miram Burnett


A Cause for Concern: Historical Implication of Legacies of Racism and Intersectionality on Concepts of Sense of Belonging at Predominately Non-Black Institutions in Higher Education in the U.S.

Karen Cepeda

Theater & Dance

Trauma and Memory as Collective Mobilizer

Asish Ninan Chacko


Dead mice tell few tales

Jaber Daneshamooz

Computer Science

ISP in the Box

Marian de Orla-Barile


Observing Downslope Wind Storms in Santa Barbara County

Jake Dean


Wandering with Whales: A Social Ecology of Pacific Gray Whale Conservation-as-Development

Sean Denny

Environmental Science & Management

Where the Wild Things Were

Viraj Dharod


Defect centers in diamond: The road to a scalable quantum computer

Austin DuBose


Pathways to neurodegenerative diseases: Unfolding the mini-mechanism

Sarah Dunne

How The Queer Bookstore Movement Changed LGBTQ+ History

Chris Everett

Earth Science

Curious Carnassials

Nākoa Farrant

Environmental Science & Management

The Lāhainā Fire: A Disaster 100 Years in the Making

Janna Haider

Grifters, Killers, Freedom Fighters: The Ghadar Party and the Hindu-German Conspiracy Trials

Qing Huang


No response? Response latency in texting

Makoto Hunter

Punishing Polygamy by Policing Women: Sex Crimes in Gilded Age America

Satish Kumar

Electrical & Computer Engineering

The Invisible Menace: Methane Emissions

Alexander Luckmann

"God's Office Building on Broadway": Skyscraper Churches and Religious Advertising

Zachary Maches

Mechanical Engineering

Settling Down: Building New Models of Marine Aggregate Dynamics

Haarika Manda

Computer Science

Assessing the Efficacy of the Connect America Fund in Addressing Internet Access Inequities in the US

Soodeh Mansouri

Religious Studies

The Middle East & Women's Socio-Political Role

Emile Morin


Harnessing inflammation for Personalized Medicine

Faryal Nadeem

Condemned to Death, Prison, or Exile

Misa Nguyen

Baby! Get Back! - Late Antique Pregnancy and Power

Sarah Noe


Ancient Llamas, Modern Insights: Sustainable Lessons from the Andes

Royce Olarte


Becoming A Math Professor: Graduate Students' Professional Identity Development

Hannah Overbye-Thompson


Confronting Algorithm Bias

Ana Delia Parejo Vidal


Shining light on our origins

Qiyao Peng


The Battle for Your Thoughts: News vs. Comment

Gwen Petro


Hands Off Our Data: Thinking About Online Privacy Post-Dobbs

Vidisha Rai

Why are environmental groups ignoring the bullshit?

Fabio Ricci


Earth is (Locally) Flat

Kacie Ring

Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology

Healthy Forests, Healthy Humans

Arnold Rodriguez Robles

Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

Exploring the Intricacies of Language and Executive Functioning

Abhayjit Saini

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology

Slowing Down the Aging Clock From Within

Abdullah Salehuddin


When Hurt Continues: The Relationship between Family History and Communal Coping

Michael Saxon

Multicultural Knowledge and Bias in Text-to-Image Generating AI

Elizabeth Schauer

Chemical Engineering

Turning Off the Biological Clock

Saurabh Sharma

Computer Science

Electioneering The Network: Dynamic Multi-Step Adversarial Attacks for Community Canvassing

Leila Stegemoeller

The Genres and Genealogies of Wellness Culture

Tiffany Ta


Pretty Savage: Blackpink is the (Feminist) Revolution

Joanna Tang

Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology

A Recipe for Restoration: People + Plants + Persistence

Ian Tayler

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology

Stem Cells Sense the Force: Extracellular Matrix Mechanics Regulate Stem Cell Differentiation

Dario Trujano-Ochoa


Strategic Beliefs in Decision-Making: Understanding the Impact on Information Valuation and Choice

Albert Ventayol-Boada


Decoding linguistic diversity with machine learning

Daniella Walter

Mechanical Engineering

The Missing Puzzle Piece: The Role of Mechanics in Tissue Development

Kaden Wheeler


Dissecting Degradation : How Crystal Faceting Affects Oxide Catalyst Stability

Molly Wolfson


Cosmic Lighthouses: Navigating the Early Universe with Quasars

Kylie Woodman


Digital Development: Navigating the Impact of Digital Media on Developing Minds

hui zhang


Factors that Impact Immigrant Parents' Services Choices for Their Children with Autism

Yanlu Zhong


Brain and Language

2024 Grad Slam Showcase Final Round Judges

Arnie Brier

Arnie Brier

Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Yardi Systems
Amr El Abbadi

Amr El Abbadi

Professor of Computer Science, UC Santa Barbara
Annette Hilton, 2023 Grad Slam Winner

Annette Hilton

Graduate Student in Environmental Science & Management, 2023 Grad Slam Winner
Archie Holmes

Archie Holmes '97

Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Texas System
Peter Mage

Peter Mage '16

Principal Engineer, BD Biosciences and 2013 Grad Slam Winner
Lisa Park

Lisa Park

Professor of Asian American Studies, UC Santa Barbara
Joe Sabado

Joe Sabado '97

Deputy Chief Information Officer, UC Santa Barbara
Carrie Towbes

Carrie Towbes

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, President of the Towbes Foundation
Ashley Yeh

Ashley Yeh

Undergraduate Student in Biology and Neuroscience, 2023 Undergrad Slam Winner

2024 Grad Slam Showcase Preliminary Round Judges

Lina Kim

Director of Academic Programs at Summer Sessions

Josh Kuntzman

Assessment Coordinator in the Office of Budget & Planning

Anna Alvarez

Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering and 2023 Grad Slam Finalist

William Below

Retired General Contractor

Lisa Berry

Senior Instructional Consultant in Instructional Development

Julie Bianchini

Professor of Education

Jeff Bischoff

Senior Director of Sales for Public Housing Authority Systems at Yardi

Linda Burrows

Community Organizer and Child Advocate

Michael Coppersmith

Department Administrator for Education

Aurora de Tagyos

Undergraduate Student in Chemistry & Biochemistry and Former Intern at the Center for Science & Engineering Partnerships

Shasta Delp

Executive Director of the Academic Senate

Beth Digeser

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in History

Colby Fagan

Undergraduate Student in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology and UC LEADS Scholars

Samantha Fiallo

Graduate Student in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology and 2023 Grad Slam Runner Up

Ruth Finklestein

Professor in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology

Maritza Fuljencio

Student Affairs Manager for Computer Science

Jessy Gonzales

Undergraduate Student in Chemical Engineering and Former Intern at the Center for Science & Engineering Partnerships

Darryl Heller

Former Vice President of Operations & Engineering at RIVIERA BRONZE MFG

Hsiu-Zu Ho

Retired Associate Dean at the UC Education Abroad Program

Kseniia Karnaukh

Graduate Student in Chemistry & Biochemistry and 2023 Grad Slam Finalist

Claudia Kashin

Senior Academic Personnel Analyst for the Division of Humanities & Fine Arts

Victoria Kline

Retired Librarian

Jim Lyons

Manager of Sales at Yardi

Karen Myers

Professor of Communication

Robin Nabi

Professor of Communication

Jazz Elaiza Nario

Undergraduate Student in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology and Intern with the Center for Science & Engineering Partnerships

Bedlam Oak

Graduate Student in Communication and Graduate Student Association Co-President of Internal Affairs

John Park

Professor of Asian American Studies

Eric Pressly

Founder of Epres

Conor Pugsley

Undergraduate Student in Chemistry & Biochemistry, Former Intern with the Center for Science & Engineering Partnerships

Geoffrey Raymond

Professor in Sociology

Kyle Richards

Analyst for the Academic Senate

Laura Romo

Professor of Education

Laura Sacks

Manager, Investment Management, Yardi

Genessis Salcedo

Undergraduate in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology and Women's Center Student Programmer

David Sherman

Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences

Esther Showalter

Graduate Student in Computer Science and 2022 Grad Slam Finalist

Gil Marc Sia

Undergraduate Student in Electrical & Computer Engineering and UCSB Promise Scholar

Vaishali Surianarayanan

Graduate Student in Computer Science and 2023 Grad Slam Finalist

Geri Urgel

Undergraduate Student in Marine Science and UCSB Promise Scholar

Annjulie Vester

Graduate Student in Political Science and Graduate Student Association Co-President of External Affairs

Gil Vitro

Graduate Student in English and 2023 Grad Slam Finalist