2019 Grad Slam Champion
George Degen
Chemical Engineering
H?ealing Muscles with Mussels
2019 Grad Slam Finalists

Rebecca Baker
Uncanny Alter(n)ity: Science Fiction and the Power of Possible Worlds

George Degen
Chemical Engineering
H?ealing Muscles with Mussels

Camille Endacott
When Artificial Intelligence Makes Your Day

Melissa Gordon Wolf
Survey Item Validation

Ana Sofia Guerra
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Cloudy with a Chance of Bird Poop: A tale of Seabirds and Nutrients

Taylor Heisley-Cook
Environmental Science & Management
Waste to Wear: Fabric from Cannabis Waste

Phoebe Racine
Environmental Science & Management
Big Mussel: Will They Eat Us Out of the Water?

Zachary Reitz
Chained by Iron: The Tug-of-War Between Bacteria and our Body

Vinnie Wu
Motivation Matters: Are Positive Intergroup Interactions Positive for Everyone?
2019 Grad Slam Semifinalists
Geneva Alok
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
It Started out with Mitosis. How Did it End up Like This?
Shashank Aswathanarayana
Media Arts & Technology
I Hear Bangalore3D
Rebecca Baker
Uncanny Alter(n)ity: Science Fiction and the Power of Possible Worlds
Tom Costigan
The Gettier Problem
George Degen
Chemical Engineering
H?ealing Muscles with Mussels
Yvonne Diaz
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish? Dead Fish! : Combating Food Spoilage with Color
Camille Endacott
When Artificial Intelligence Makes Your Day
Melissa Gordon Wolf
Survey Item Validation
Ana Sofia Guerra
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Cloudy with a Chance of Bird Poop: A tale of Seabirds and Nutrients
Chung-Ta Han
Chemical Engineering
A Generalized Approach to Studying Protein's Function Through its Structural Movement
Kathryn Harrison
Sharing a (Cyber)Space: Fostering Relationship Maintenance and a Sense of Community in an Assisted Living Community Through Virtual Reality
Taylor Heisley-Cook
Environmental Science & Management
Waste to Wear: Fabric from Cannabis Waste
Lauren Kaapcke
Environmental Science & Management
Encouraging Investment in Coral Reefs
Avi McClelland-Cohen
From #MeToo to #WeToo: Constituting Movement Identity in a Digitally Networked Context
Samantha McCuskey
Chemical Engineering
How Could Bacteria Power the World?
Daniel Means
Computer Science
Detecting Disasters through Social Media
Bharat Monga
Mechanical Engineering
Cure for Parkinson's: A Dream Come True
David Mun
Environmental Science & Management
The Apparel Industry: Reducing Environmental and Social Impact through Materials Innovation
Khanh Nguyen
When Proteins Hold Hands and Dance
Phoebe Racine
Environmental Science & Management
Big Mussel: Will They Eat Us Out of the Water?
Zachary Reitz
Chained by Iron: The Tug-of-War Between Bacteria and our Body
Luke Rosedahl
How Did I Know That: Category Learning and the Human Brain
Andrew Rowberg
Engineering High-Performance Materials for the Hydrogen Economy
Margaret Schimmel
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Designing the Cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Novel Immunotherapy
Andrew Steinkruger
Environmental Science & Management
Conservation Opportunities in Commercial Aquaculture: The Case for Farming Totoaba
Fernando Temprano-Coleto
Mechanical Engineering
From Drag Reduction to Maze Solving: The Physics of Surfactants
Naveen Venkatesan
"Magic Paint" - Using Hybrid Perovskites for Efficient Solar Cells
Vinnie Wu
Motivation Matters: Are Positive Intergroup Interactions Positive for Everyone?
Nicole Zamanzadeh
Media Multitasking and Teen Stress: Developmental And Parental Risk Factors
Jiajia Zheng
Environmental Science & Management
Reducing the Global Carbon Footprint of Plastics
Katelyn Zigner
Fired Up: How Advancements in Wildfire Modeling Will Help Society
2019 Grad Slam Presenters
Austin Abrams
A Versatile Tool for Biosensing and Unfolding Chemical Reactions in Real Time
Caroline Ackley
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Defying Gravity: A Worm Story
Geneva Alok
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
It Started out with Mitosis. How Did it End up Like This?
Shashank Aswathanarayana
Media Arts & Technology
I Hear Bangalore3D
Katie Bainbridge
Can Video Games Make You Smarter?
Rebecca Baker
Uncanny Alter(n)ity: Science Fiction and the Power of Possible Worlds
Tayyebeh Bakhshi
Catalytic Generation of Chlorine Dioxide
Tom Costigan
The Gettier Problem
George Degen
Chemical Engineering
H?ealing Muscles with Mussels
Violaine Desgens-Martin
Environmental Science & Management
Going Full Circle: Is Treated Wastewater the Future of Drinking Water in Drought-Stricken Areas?
Yvonne Diaz
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish? Dead Fish! : Combating Food Spoilage with Color
Camille Endacott
When Artificial Intelligence Makes Your Day
Rae Fuhrman
Environmental Science & Management
Cultivating Seaweed to Feed and Fuel our World
Sean Gilleran
"We Have Your Mechanical Brain": An Internet History of Malcolm X Hall
Melissa Gordon Wolf
Survey Item Validation
Ana Sofia Guerra
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Cloudy with a Chance of Bird Poop: A tale of Seabirds and Nutrients
Michael Haggmark
Uncovering the Mechanisms of Indigo Dye's Lasting Color
Chung-Ta Han
Chemical Engineering
A Generalized Approach to Studying Protein's Function Through its Structural Movement
Kathryn Harrison
Sharing a (Cyber)Space: Fostering Relationship Maintenance and a Sense of Community in an Assisted Living Community Through Virtual Reality
Taylor Heisley-Cook
Environmental Science & Management
Waste to Wear: Fabric from Cannabis Waste
Eric Jones
You Are What You Eat: Linking the Gut Microbiome to Host Behavior
Lauren Kaapcke
Environmental Science & Management
Encouraging Investment in Coral Reefs
You-Jin Kim
Media Arts & Technology
Journey to a Physical World through Computational Media
Athith Krishna
Electrical & Computer Engineering
GaN You See the Future? Gallium Nitride Electronics: Pathway for the Next Computing Revolution
Matthew Limb
Art History
Ceramics and the Environmental in the American West
Caitlin Martin
Environmental Science & Management
Increasing Customer Use of Plant-Based, Toxin-Free Personal Care Products
Avi McClelland-Cohen
From #MeToo to #WeToo: Constituting Movement Identity in a Digitally Networked Context
Samantha McCuskey
Chemical Engineering
How Could Bacteria Power the World?
Daniel Means
Computer Science
Detecting Disasters through Social Media
Mariah Miller
Global Studies
Capitalism and Social Enterprise
Bharat Monga
Mechanical Engineering
Cure for Parkinson's: A Dream Come True
David Mun
Environmental Science & Management
The Apparel Industry: Reducing Environmental and Social Impact through Materials Innovation
Khanh Nguyen
When Proteins Hold Hands and Dance
James O'Hara
Riding the Wave Function of Gallium Arsenide
Jesus Olguin
Linguistic Typology as a Window into Human Cognition
Nicol Parker
Environmental Science & Management
We All Need Somebody to Lean On
Phoebe Racine
Environmental Science & Management
Big Mussel: Will They Eat Us Out of the Water?
Colin (preferred) Raymond
Art History
Formulations of a Medium: The Rise of Video in Japanese Art 1965-1989
Zachary Reitz
Chained by Iron: The Tug-of-War Between Bacteria and our Body
Luke Rosedahl
How Did I Know That: Category Learning and the Human Brain
Andrew Rowberg
Engineering High-Performance Materials for the Hydrogen Economy
Imani Russell
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Widespread Fungal Infection Across Frogs in the Peruvian Amazon Suggests Critical Role for Low Elevation in Pathogen Spread and Persistence
Christopher Salem
Availability of Dental Services at School-Based Health Centers in California
Margaret Schimmel
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Designing the Cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Novel Immunotherapy
Marshall Sharpe
Breaking the Silence
Andrew Steinkruger
Environmental Science & Management
Conservation Opportunities in Commercial Aquaculture: The Case for Farming Totoaba
Fernando Temprano-Coleto
Mechanical Engineering
From Drag Reduction to Maze Solving: The Physics of Surfactants
Jordan Tudisco
Comparative Literature
Neither Here nor There: Non-Binary Existence and the Right to be Represented by Language
Naveen Venkatesan
"Magic Paint" - Using Hybrid Perovskites for Efficient Solar Cells
Juliette Verstaen
Environmental Science & Management
Pros in Procrastination? Estimating the Consequences of Delaying Marine Management
Vinnie Wu
Motivation Matters: Are Positive Intergroup Interactions Positive for Everyone?
Nicole Zamanzadeh
Media Multitasking and Teen Stress: Developmental And Parental Risk Factors
Jiajia Zheng
Environmental Science & Management
Reducing the Global Carbon Footprint of Plastics
Katelyn Zigner
Fired Up: How Advancements in Wildfire Modeling Will Help Society
Julie Zurbuchen
Earth Science
Reconstructing Sea-Level in Antarctica: Where is the Missing Ice?