2017 Grad Slam Champion
Leah Foltz
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Personalized Medicine: How to Cure Blindness with Your Own Cells
2017 Grad Slam Runners-up

Eric Jorgensen
Theater & Dance
Reacquired: I, Thou and the American AIDS Play

Max Nowak
Chemical Engineering
Breaching the Blood-Brain Barrier
2017 Grad Slam Finalists

Leah Foltz
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Personalized Medicine: How to Cure Blindness with Your Own Cells

Dominique Houston
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
DID I PAUSE? DIAPAUSE: A Story of Suspended Animation

Kelly Ibsen
Chemical Engineering
No More Needles: The Promise of Non-Invasive Drug Delivery via Ionic Liquids

Eric Jorgensen
Theater & Dance
Reacquired: I, Thou and the American AIDS Play

Amanda Kaczmarek
Tylenol and Advil Effects on Mental Rotation

David Miller
Plants, Cities, and Satellites: High Resolution Mapping of Carbon Uptake by Urban Vegetation

Jim Mondo
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Pulling Together: Cells Talking Through Tension

Max Nowak
Chemical Engineering
Breaching the Blood-Brain Barrier

Daniel Phillips
Defining the Community of Interest as a Cognitive Region
2017 Grad Slam Semifinalists
Anirudha Banerjee
Chemical Engineering
"Tractor Beams" that Steer Colloidal Particles Over Millimeter Distances
Jacob Barrett
Chemicals from ?Biomass: We Wood if We Could
Becca Best
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Unraveling an Unexpected Effect of Tau at Microtubule Ends
Andrew Cawley
Environmental Science & Management
Climate Change, Costs, and Caribou
Douglas Fabini
Toward Ubiquitous Solar Energy: Materials for Low Cost Conversion of Sunlight to Electricity
Leah Foltz
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Personalized Medicine: How to Cure Blindness with Your Own Cells
James Giammona
Building Early Embryos in the Computer
Aranya Goswami
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Tunnel Transistors: Going through Walls to Save Energy
Tiffany Halvorsen
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Shortcuts for a Planar Algebra
Kathryn Harrison
The (Un)Importance of a Gut Feeling: Information Seeking Strategies in Online Dating
Dominique Houston
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
DID I PAUSE? DIAPAUSE: A Story of Suspended Animation
Kelly Ibsen
Chemical Engineering
No More Needles: The Promise of Non-Invasive Drug Delivery via Ionic Liquids
Brandon Isaac
Light Circuits for Mobile Communication
Eric Jorgensen
Theater & Dance
Reacquired: I, Thou and the American AIDS Play
Amanda Kaczmarek
Tylenol and Advil Effects on Mental Rotation
Sara Lafia
Spatial Discovery: Linking Geographic Footprints to Topic Spaces
Evan Layher
Your Terrible Memory Leads to Poor Decisions... "Thanks" Brain
David Miller
Plants, Cities, and Satellites: High Resolution Mapping of Carbon Uptake by Urban Vegetation
Jim Mondo
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Pulling Together: Cells Talking Through Tension
Max Nowak
Chemical Engineering
Breaching the Blood-Brain Barrier
Michael Paull
Chemical Engineering
A Brief History of Your Immune System
Daniel Phillips
Defining the Community of Interest as a Cognitive Region
Anusha Pusuluri
Chemical Engineering
Bioengineered Molecular Missiles - The Next Gen of Precision Medicine
Melissa Rapp
Getting Teachers to the Highest Grade: Gendered Responses to Evaluations
Laura Reynolds
Earth Science
Pollution and Pollen: Evidence of Human Influence in California Sediments
Adrianna Simone
Chican@ Studies
It Was NEVER Fiction: The Decolonized Voice of Michele Serros
Pedro Sosa
Computer Science
Post-Quantum Cryptography: Preparing for the Cryptopocalypse
Elisabeth Steel
Earth Science
Rivers Under the Ocean: How Turbidity Currents Shape our Seafloor
Jason Wien
What's Really Inside a Black Hole?
2017 Grad Slam Presenters
Shashank Aswathanarayana
Media Arts & Technology
Effect of a Known Environment on the Estimation of Sound Source Distance
Anirudha Banerjee
Chemical Engineering
"Tractor Beams" that Steer Colloidal Particles Over Millimeter Distances
Jacob Barrett
Chemicals from ?Biomass: We Wood if We Could
Becca Best
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Unraveling an Unexpected Effect of Tau at Microtubule Ends
Kristen Bryant
Not Just Child's Play
Andrew Cawley
Environmental Science & Management
Climate Change, Costs, and Caribou
Alesha Claveria
Theater & Dance
Sexual Performance Depictions of Native North Americans (NA, AI, 1st N, I)
Owen Colegrove
?Illuminating Dark Forces
Jessica Couture
Environmental Science & Management
Comparing Salmon Feeds Using Life Cycle Assessments
Amanda Curtis
Shortcuts for a Planar Algebra
Jonathan Downey
Visual Feedback: An Easier Way to Improve Pronunciation
Carina Edelman
Earth Science
Unlocking Earth's Time Capsules
May ElSherif
Computer Science
The Urban Characteristics of Street Harassment: A First Look
Kimin Eom
We Believe, Therefore we Act? Social Class Difference in the Link Between Belief in Climate Change and Proenvironmental Action
Kathy Espino-Perez
One of Us?: Biracial Targets, Perceptions of Prototypicality, and Resource Threat
Douglas Fabini
Toward Ubiquitous Solar Energy: Materials for Low Cost Conversion of Sunlight to Electricity
Jesilyn Faust
Global Studies
Islamic Feminism and the Way Forward: Learning from the Women's Movements in Morocco
Leah Foltz
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Personalized Medicine: How to Cure Blindness with Your Own Cells
Alexa Fredston-Hermann
Environmental Science & Management
How Far Can Marine Species Shift their Ranges in Response to Climate Change?
Carl Gabrielson
Encountering Allies: U.S. Bases in Japan
James Giammona
Building Early Embryos in the Computer
Joshua Goodman
Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology
The Development of a Resource to Increase Parent Support for Sexual Minority Youth
Aranya Goswami
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Tunnel Transistors: Going through Walls to Save Energy
Jim Gribble
Impact of Computer Coding on Communication of Children with Autism
Ben Gross
Why Do the Shapes of Cells Matter?
Tiffany Halvorsen
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Shortcuts for a Planar Algebra
Jeremy Hanes
Religious Studies
What Goddesses Can Tell Us About Epidemics and How We Respond to Them
Kathryn Harrison
The (Un)Importance of a Gut Feeling: Information Seeking Strategies in Online Dating
Laura Hooton
A Border Triangle: Los Angeles, Ensenada, and Oklahoma
Dominique Houston
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
DID I PAUSE? DIAPAUSE: A Story of Suspended Animation
Kelly Ibsen
Chemical Engineering
No More Needles: The Promise of Non-Invasive Drug Delivery via Ionic Liquids
Jeff Inglis
Do My Actions Matter?: The Role of Contingency in Learning
Brandon Isaac
Light Circuits for Mobile Communication
Eric Jorgensen
Theater & Dance
Reacquired: I, Thou and the American AIDS Play
Amanda Kaczmarek
Tylenol and Advil Effects on Mental Rotation
Miles Krumpak
Global Studies
Cuba: Change, Development, and Farmers Markets
Sara Lafia
Spatial Discovery: Linking Geographic Footprints to Topic Spaces
Evan Layher
Your Terrible Memory Leads to Poor Decisions... "Thanks" Brain
David Miller
Plants, Cities, and Satellites: High Resolution Mapping of Carbon Uptake by Urban Vegetation
Karly Marie Miller
Marine Science
Why Tourism Matters for Fisheries Management
Alexandra Miller
Measuring the Topology of Spacetime in Quantum Gravity
Jim Mondo
Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Pulling Together: Cells Talking Through Tension
Max Nowak
Chemical Engineering
Breaching the Blood-Brain Barrier
Lauren Ortosky
Choosing Chaos
Michael Paull
Chemical Engineering
A Brief History of Your Immune System
Daniel Phillips
Defining the Community of Interest as a Cognitive Region
Abe Pressman
Chemical Engineering
Controlling Molecular Evolution: the Next Generation of Next Generations
Anusha Pusuluri
Chemical Engineering
Bioengineered Molecular Missiles - The Next Gen of Precision Medicine
Melissa Rapp
Getting Teachers to the Highest Grade: Gendered Responses to Evaluations
Elisabeth Rareshide
Outside of the Reach of the Mission Bell: Chinigchinich Ritual Practice among the Tongva during the Mission Period in Alta California (AD 1769-1834)
Laura Reynolds
Earth Science
Pollution and Pollen: Evidence of Human Influence in California Sediments
Luke Rosedahl
Monsters in the Closet: Shining Light on Object Misclassification
Burhan Saifaddin
Disinfecting LEDs
Katja Siepmann
Global Studies
Banned Woman's Art During National Socialism
Adrianna Simone
Chican@ Studies
It Was NEVER Fiction: The Decolonized Voice of Michele Serros
Pratik Soni
Computer Science
Thwarting ?Man-in-the-Middle Attacks -- So That You Don't Get Fired!
Pedro Sosa
Computer Science
Post-Quantum Cryptography: Preparing for the Cryptopocalypse
David Stamps
Boys Won't Be Boys: Exploring Masculinity and its Influence on Social Support
Elisabeth Steel
Earth Science
Rivers Under the Ocean: How Turbidity Currents Shape our Seafloor
Jason Wien
What's Really Inside a Black Hole?
Sam Zahn
The Battle of the Self Against the Functional Infinity of the Internet
Leila Zonouzi
Global Studies
The Imagined Reality of Displaced Iranians