2014 Grad Slam Champion
James Allen
Marine Science
Measuring Cells from Space: Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Distribution
2014 Grad Slam Runners-up

Deborah Barany
The Brain in Action

Damien Kudela
A Safe and Effective Nanotherapeutic to Control the Coagulation Cascade During Trauma
2014 Grad Slam Finalists

Aubrie Adams
Student Perceptions of Teacher :) Emoticon Usage

James Allen
Marine Science
Measuring Cells from Space: Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Distribution

Deborah Barany
The Brain in Action

Matt Cieslak
Searching the Brain for Missing Parts

Don Daniels
Reconstructing Proto-Sogeram

Damien Kudela
A Safe and Effective Nanotherapeutic to Control the Coagulation Cascade During Trauma

Leah Kuritzky
Focused, Efficient, and Bright: The Promise of Laser Lighting

Dibella L. Wdzenczny
Documenting the Endangered Languages of Siberia

Michelle Oyewole
Effects of Compost Application Rate on Area- and Yield-Scaled Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Michael Zakrewsky
Chemical Engineering
New Arsenal of Materials for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infections
2014 Grad Slam Semifinalists
Aubrie Adams
Student Perceptions of Teacher :) Emoticon Usage
James Allen
Marine Science
Measuring Cells from Space: Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Distribution
Deborah Barany
The Brain in Action
Matt Cieslak
Searching the Brain for Missing Parts
Don Daniels
Reconstructing Proto-Sogeram
Samantha Davis
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Coral Reef Recovery...or Not?
Philip Deslippe
Religious Studies
How Pizza Explains Yoga
Nate Emery
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
I Have the Foggiest Idea
Logan Fiorella
Is Teaching Really the Best Way to Learn?
Audrey Harkness
Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology
Having "The Talk": The Importance of Parent-Child Communication about Sexual Orientation in the Development of Youth Sexual Orientation Attitudes and Behaviors
Dayton Horvath
Don't Stop the Solar Fuels Party
David Jacobson
Genetic Regulation: What the Human Genome Project Didn't Tell Us
Haddy Kreie
Theater & Dance
Celebrating Mourning: Memorializations of Vodun and Slavery in West Africa
Damien Kudela
A Safe and Effective Nanotherapeutic to Control the Coagulation Cascade During Trauma
Leah Kuritzky
Focused, Efficient, and Bright: The Promise of Laser Lighting
Dibella L. Wdzenczny
Documenting the Endangered Languages of Siberia
Michelle Oyewole
Effects of Compost Application Rate on Area- and Yield-Scaled Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Mira Rai Waits
Art History
Mapping the Finger: The Colonial History of Biometrics
Carly Thomsen
Feminist Studies
Rethinking Gay Rights Strategies: Perspectives from LGBTQ Women in the Rural Midwest
Michael Zakrewsky
Chemical Engineering
New Arsenal of Materials for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infections
2014 Grad Slam Presenters
Christopher A. Walker
Untimely Ecologies
Aubrie Adams
Student Perceptions of Teacher :) Emoticon Usage
James Allen
Marine Science
Measuring Cells from Space: Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Size Distribution
Marla Andrea Ramirez
Chican@ Studies
Alien Citizens: The Mexican Repatriation Program, 1920s-1940s
Barney B. Johnson
The Fear of Art, and How to Eliminate It
Deborah Barany
The Brain in Action
Thomas Bell
Marine Science
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Giant Kelp
Matt Cieslak
Searching the Brain for Missing Parts
Don Daniels
Reconstructing Proto-Sogeram
Samantha Davis
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
Coral Reef Recovery...or Not?
Philip Deslippe
Religious Studies
How Pizza Explains Yoga
Arturo Deza
What Makes Grumpy Cat More Popular Than the Higgs Boson?
Yassine Dhane
Chemical Engineering
Complex Fluids Being Even More Complex
Ryan Dippre
Brutal Silence: Words that Don't Matter, Writing that Doesn't Exist
Eric Edwards
Environmental Science & Management
Economic Incentives in Collective Groundwater Management
Emily Ellis
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
The Evolution of the Flashy Male Display in Ostracoda
Nate Emery
Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
I Have the Foggiest Idea
Daniel Ervin
Cheeseburgers, Central Americans, and Carbon 12: One New Technique for Two Old Problems
Logan Fiorella
Is Teaching Really the Best Way to Learn?
Brian Griffith
Bringing Bacchus to the People: Viti-Viniculture, Autarky, and Mass Spectacle in Fascist Italy, 1922 - 1945
Gary Haddow
Beyond War: Rebuilding Liberia's Ethnic and National Identities
Audrey Harkness
Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology
Having "The Talk": The Importance of Parent-Child Communication about Sexual Orientation in the Development of Youth Sexual Orientation Attitudes and Behaviors
Mehran Hoonejani
Mechanical Engineering
"Cell"ection Using Light and Flow: Detect It before It Is Cancer!
Shay Hopkins
I Know How You Feel: Literature and the Experience of Empathy
Dayton Horvath
Don't Stop the Solar Fuels Party
Richard Huskey
This is Your Brain on Flow: Observing the Brain During Optimal Experiences
David Jacobson
Genetic Regulation: What the Human Genome Project Didn't Tell Us
Jenna Joo
Understanding Second Language Acquisition from a Sociocognitive Perspective
Hannah Kallewaard
Electrochemical Sensors for Rapid and Inexpensive Pathogen Detection
Haddy Kreie
Theater & Dance
Celebrating Mourning: Memorializations of Vodun and Slavery in West Africa
Damien Kudela
A Safe and Effective Nanotherapeutic to Control the Coagulation Cascade During Trauma
Leah Kuritzky
Focused, Efficient, and Bright: The Promise of Laser Lighting
Dibella L. Wdzenczny
Documenting the Endangered Languages of Siberia
Nicole Leung
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
The Origin of Ostracod Bioluminescence
Elizabeth Mainz
Teachers' Beliefs about Language: Gaining Positive Perspectives
Lisa McAllister
Family Planning in the Amazon Basin
Sungmin Moon
TIMSS, the Past, the Present, and the Future
Michelle Oyewole
Effects of Compost Application Rate on Area- and Yield-Scaled Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Lindsey Peavey
Environmental Science & Management
Sea Turtle Hunger Games
Kyle Ploense
Cocaine in the Brain
Christopher Proctor
Method to Our Madness: Towards a Better Understanding of the Public's Role in Policy
Mira Rai Waits
Art History
Mapping the Finger: The Colonial History of Biometrics
Caitlin Rathe
Let Them Eat Ketchup
Laura Reynolds
Earth Science
Tsunami Hazard Along the Santa Barbara Coast: Lessons from Japan
Matthew Roy
Hansel and Gretel at the Piano: Children's Music and Socialization
Shari Sanders
Comparative Literature
Because Neglect Isn't Cute: Tuxedo Stan's Campaign for a Humane World
Saiph Savage
Computer Science
Understanding Online Audiences
Travis Seifman
Performing Ryukyu: Early Modern Street Processions as Political Acts
Anna Simon
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Mimicking Nature to Engineer Ultrasensitive Molecular Machines
Esther Taxon
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
HIV: Gene Therapy Stealth Attack
Eric Terry
Biomolecular Science & Engineering
Uncovering Mechanisms of Developmental Robustness Using Microfluids
Carly Thomsen
Feminist Studies
Rethinking Gay Rights Strategies: Perspectives from LGBTQ Women in the Rural Midwest
John Vanderhoef
Film & Media Studies
Everyday Developers: The Production and Cultures of Indie Games
Eduardo Viana da Silva
The Devil in the Brazilian Backlands
Faye Walker
On-site Healthcare by Sleight of Hand
Michael Zakrewsky
Chemical Engineering
New Arsenal of Materials for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infections
Michele Zugnoni
Levels of Alienation: Assessing the Effects of a Creative Writing Program on a Population of Incarcerated Adolescent Boys