Annie Broughton (Global Studies)
"Grappling with Belonging on Stolen Land: Towards Alternative Models of White Settler Identity "
Nicolla Eddy (Global Studies)
"Child Marriage in Africa"
Hannah Overbye-Thompson (Communication)
"Risk Perceptions of Algorithmic Bias"
Margot Plunkett (Communication)
"Eating (or Not) in the Workplace: Control and Workplace Culture"
Yifei Wang (Communication)
"Social Media Status and Its Discontent"
Kylie Woodman (Communication)
"Problematic ME-dia Use: An Emerging Disorder"
Our esteemed judges for this round are:
Sabine Frühstück (Distinguished Professor, Chair of Japanese Cultural Studies )
Jessy Gonzales (Undergraduate Student, Biochemistry Department)
Darryl Heller (Merger and Acquisition Advisor, Keystone Business Advisors)
Zachary Macas (Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering Department)
Haley Orton (Director of Academic Advising, Engineering Department)