calendar-with-clock-icon-uc-santa-barbara Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm
location-icon-uc-santa-barbara Henley Hall 101


Sophie Bartley (Environmental Science & Management)
"The Biodiversity Implications of Nature-based Carbon Credit Projects"

Ivette Castaneda (Environmental Science & Management)
"Biobusiness: A Pathway to Amazonian Environmental Conservation"

Lucas d'Alva Duchrow (Environmental Science & Management)
"Saltwater Stories: Elevating Marine Science Education Through the Voices of Environmental Professionals"

Kyle Hansen (Mathematics)
"Who Cut the High-Dimensional Cheese?"

Yuting Ma (Statistics & Applied Probability)
"Will the Lights Stay On? Forecasting Electricity Demand in a Warmer California"

Anna Perko (Environmental Science & Management)
"Repurposing Palm Waste for Carbon Solutions"

Fabio Ricci (Mathematics)
"The Isoperimetric Problem: Why Pizzas are Usually Round"

Yuxi Tan (Statistics & Applied Probability)
"Fast Data Inversion"

Shangcheng Zhao (Psychological & Brain Sciences)
" The Power of a Glance: How First Impressions Predict Political Success"


Our esteemed judges for this round are:

  • Deborah Bettencourt (Human Resources Consultant)

  • Laury Oaks (Professor, Feminist Studies)

  • Boris Palencia (Finance & Administration Manager, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education)

  • Daniela Rivera Mirabel (Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering Department)

  • Kathleen Zhang (Undergraduate Studedent, English & Biology Departments)