Jacquelyn Chin (Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology)
"Black, Queer & Liberated"
Liliana Garcia (Education)
"Quantum Education: Empowering the Next Generation"
Taylor Martin del Campo (Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology)
"Exploring Sense of Belongingness Among Formerly Incarcerated Students in Higher Education Institutions: A Qualitative Study"
Alexandria Muller (Education)
"Beyond the Exhibits: Embedding DEAI in Science Centers from the Boardroom to the Floor"
Arnold Rodriguez Robles (Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology)
"Ready for School? Developing a Multidimensional Screener to Assess School Readiness"
Our esteemed judges for this round are:
Peter Kedron (Associate Professor, Geography Department)
Lois Phillips (Communications Consultant)
Kelly Rivera (Associate Director, Academic Senate Staff)
Sara Sadjadi (Undergraduate Student, Theater & Dance Department)
Daniella Walter (Graduate Student, Engineering Department)